How to Prevent Housefires

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Fire Damage is something that can really cause chaos within your home, and within your family. Before your home or business becomes a victim of fire damage, we want to give you some helpful advice we have learned through years of experience so that you can try to avoid unnecessary danger, and unnecessary costs.


  1. Have Your Heating System Serviced Regularly.
  2. Check Your Drier Often and Remove Any Lint in the lint catcher.
  3. Unplug appliances after use. This is especially true for things like curling irons and coffee pots.
  4.  Keep firewood, leaves, and other trash as far away from your home as possible.
  5. Avoid Using Outlet extensions if possible.
  6. Have a fire extinguisher in your home that is easily accessible if a fire occurs.
  7. Do not set any items, trash, or clothing around your water heater.


Remains of a house fire in Virginia Beach Virginia

What Happens If You Have a House Fire and Have Become a Victim of Fire Damage?

Sometimes, no matter how well we prepare for something, the inevitable happens anyways. If your home or commercial space has experienced the tragedy of a fire, then there is only one thing you can do, and that is salvage what you can, and call a qualified professional like us. However, before you start calling for quotes, do your due diligence on the companies you plan on hiring. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and see what is included in each company’s cost when they come out and start cleaning up the fire damage.

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